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Darlington Evangelical Lutheran Church
Who Are We?

What's in a name?  Quite a bit actually...


Darlington Evangelical Lutheran Church 

X Wisconsin Synod X 

Darlington is the name of the subdivision in which this congregation first began in 1946.


Evangelical is the word for Gospel.  We are founded upon the Gospel, the Good News of forgiveness of sin freely given through the work of Jesus Christ.

Lutheran denotes the specific teachings of this congregation as confessed by the Evangelical Lutheran Faith.


Church means gathering, assembly.  We are not mere brick and mortar, nor just an organization.  We are a living organism, the Body of Christ, which assembles around the Word and Sacraments.


Wisconsin Synod – We are affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), the third largest body of Lutherans in the world.  The Wisconsin Synod derives its name from the fact that it was first organized in Wisconsin in the late 1850’s and now has congregations in all fifty states as well as missions around the world.

Our Purpose of Existence is to carry out the wonderful power which Jesus has entrusted to His Church, namely believers.  That wonderful power is found in the words and promise of Jesus Christ: "If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven" (John 20:23).


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